How to effectively get rid of parasites at home

Folk remedies will help cleanse the body of parasites. The key to success is the application of the course. Medications are less safe, but have a faster effect.

More than 2, 000 species of parasites can live in the human body: from viruses, bacteria and microscopic fungi to multicellular worms - helminths. They live in the intestinal cavity and migrate to the lungs, muscles and other organs. Parasites living inside the host not only take away some of the nutrients from it, but also poison the products of their vital activities. It is important to regularly clean the body of parasites at home so as not to become the target of such free loaders.

It is important to know

You can get rid of unwanted neighbors by taking medication or using folk remedies. But before you start choosing a method, you need to find out if there are parasites in the body and what species they belong to. Ultrasound examination of the kidneys, liver and pancreas is helpful. It is also mandatory to consult a doctor, because some methods have contraindications.

Ultrasound as a way to detect parasites in the body

It is impossible to use many folk remedies to get rid of parasites, as well as to take medication under the following conditions:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system (including heart attack and stroke);
  • gastric ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • kidney and liver failure;
  • bleeding (including menstrual bleeding);
  • oncopathology;
  • infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

Medical cleaning from parasites

To date, many drugs have been released for various parasites, mainly helminths.

Some are distinguished by a wide range of action, others are active only against certain groups of parasites.

pills to remove parasites from the body

In any case, it is pointless and very dangerous to prescribe medication without an accurate diagnosis and consultation with a doctor. It is not recommended to use them for prophylactic purposes. This is due to the antiparasitic effect of drugs due to their high toxicity. Once in the human body, such drugs poison not only the parasites, but also the host.

Folk remedies for parasites

In the early stages of the damage, folk medicine can be an alternative to official medicine. The main guarantee of the success of the non-traditional approach is a long course of treatment. But before you start, you need to cleanse the body of harmful substances so that the mass death of parasites does not cause serious intoxication. For this purpose, a 2-week vegetarian diet works well.

Hilda Clark method

One of the most powerful and well-known cleaning methods is the method of parasitologist Hilda Clark. In addition to eliminating intestinal worms, it helps to get rid of intramuscular and intraarticular forms. The technique also effectively suppresses the vital activity of many pathogenic bacteria, viruses, the simplest representatives - lamblia, located in the liver and pancreatic ducts.

The method is based on the parallel use of 3 items:

  • tincture of unripe walnut shell;
  • wormwood powder;
  • clove powder.

Wormwood and cloves are cut by themselves. Difficulties can arise with the preparation of an alcoholic tincture based on the bark of immature walnuts. Alternatively, homeopathic remedies may be used.

folk remedies to remove parasites from the body

On the first day of the course, drop 1 drop of alcohol extract of walnut shell in half a glass of warm but not hot water. The solution is left for 15-20 minutes, after which it is slowly consumed without eating or drinking. The next day add another drop and continue for 5 days. On the 6th day, pour 2 teaspoons into 75 ml of water. infusion. The solution of this concentration is taken once a week during the year.

Unlike the first component, wormwood powder is consumed before dinner. For the first two days, eat with half a teaspoon of water. On the 3rd and 4th day the dose is increased to 1 teaspoon, then - 1, 5 teaspoons. and so on. You will need to take 0. 5 tablespoons by the 14th day. l. They continue to use wormwood for 0, 5 tablespoons per year. l. Once a week.

Powder made from clove buds is consumed three times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals. On the first day, they eat 0. 5 g, double the second dose and take 1. 5 g from 3 to 10. At this dose, cloves are consumed no more than once a week throughout the year.

Professor's author's methodology

The professor created his own method to fight parasites - the trinity. Instead of coloring the hazelnut shell, he suggests using tansy flower powder. Like H. Clark's method, this technique allows you to get rid of bacteria, fungi and parasitic worms that live in the intestinal cavity.

Pink, clove and wormwood powders should be taken in a ratio of 10: 5: 3, mixing 100, 50 and 30 g of raw material, respectively. Troychatka should be taken 1, 75 grams (about 1 teaspoon) before meals. The first day - just before breakfast, the second - before breakfast and lunch, from 3 to 10 - before the three main meals. Subsequent use of the trio is carried out throughout the year: once a week they take the entire daily dose.

Other methods

Cinnamon has been found to be no less effective antiparasitic than cloves. It can be consumed three times a day before meals. Portion size 1/8 teaspoon. The course lasts a month, but diet is an important condition for its success. Sugar and fat neutralize the effects of cinnamon, so you should exclude foods that are high in these substances during treatment.

cinnamon to cleanse the body of parasites

Pine nuts will help rid the body of worms and other parasites. It can be cleaned and consumed in 100 grams every day for 2 months. A vegetarian diet is currently indicated for the treatment to be effective.

Another easy way to kill parasites is to make a mixture of 300 grams of peeled pumpkin seeds, 50 ml of water and 1 tablespoon. l. bal. The tariff is also suitable for children. The mixture is eaten in the morning on an empty stomach, after 3 hours drink a laxative, and after 30 minutes cleanse the intestines with enema. This procedure is necessary to completely get rid of parasites and harmful substances that die during decomposition.

Silicon has been found to be as destructive to bacteria and fungi as it is to many helminths. Clay water will help replenish the reserves of this element. You will need 250 ml of drinking water. Mix a little clay in it until the solution looks like milk. The suspension is protected and drunk in the morning and evening without sediment. The treatment lasts 1 month.

Cognac (50 g) applied in the morning with castor oil (50 g) helps to get rid of worms. Only high-quality alcohol will not be less than 4 stars. It draws the worms into the lumen of the small intestine, paralyzes them, and then the castor oil begins to move. Helps to release helminths into the large intestine and further out, causing a strong laxative effect. The procedure is repeated in 3-4 days. After emptying the intestines, they consume 0. 5 tablespoons twice a day. l. flaxseed oil. Kills parasitic fungi. They drink fat for 2 weeks.

Decontamination is a difficult process that requires an individual approach. But after completion, it is important to prevent the re-colonization of the organism. A balanced diet, avoidance of bad habits, and good hygiene will help.